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Mission It is our mission to: Invest in small-scale projects that contribute to the conservation of gorillas and their habitats in Central Africa. Improve the worldwide understanding of the gorillas and their threatened environment and the relevance of this habitat for the world we live in through information and education. Scale up fund-raising and education …

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The boardmembers of the Dutch Gorilla Foundation: Diederik Visser (chair) Africa projects and fundraising Email: A geologist trying to save gorillas? Normally you don’t associate a geologist with nature conservation. But actually it was my scientific training and research that gave me the insight that everything on earth is interconnected. Natural systems are very complex, …

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Welcome to our reports download page. Here you can download our policy plan, activity reports, the annual accounts and annual reports of the Dutch Gorilla Foundation. Activities Check out the Activities Report 2015 (in Dutch). Annual Reports Check out the Annual Report 2018(in Dutch). Check out the Annual Report 2017(in Dutch). Financial Reports Check out the Financial …

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Sponsors and Partners The Dutch Gorilla Foundation is sponsored by:       Is partnering with:   Is a member of: and is fundraising for partner projects in Africa:

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Since 2008 the Dutch Tax Administration can designate an institution to be a “Public Benefit Organisation” (Dutch: Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling, ANBI). At least 90% of the efforts of an ANBI has to be focused on the general good. The Dutch Gorilla Foundation was registered as ANBI on September 24th 2015. Advantages for the donor …

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Volunteer with us! Fortunately we get a lot of help and we are very grateful for that! We receive a lot of emails of people who want to be a volunteer or do an internship with us. It is good to know that we only recruit via published job vacancies on this webpage or via …

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